Elsie Ivancich Dunin Macedonian Dance Documentation (1988–1989): Video Recordings


Elsie Ivancich Dunin Macedonian Dance Documentation (1988–1989): Video Recordings


Dance; Ethnology; Performance; Dance--Folklore; Macedonia


This collection of video recordings is just one component of Elsie Ivancich Dunin's Macedonian Dance Documentation (1988–1989). The thirty-six video recordings document dances in Macedonia (1988–1989) that were recorded by dance scholar Elsie Ivancich Dunin for research purposes.

Initiated in 1986 under the sponsorship of the Yugoslav Council for Culture and Education, the research was undertaken to produce illustrated materials about dances and costumes in each of Yugoslavia's six republics. Stanimir Višinski and Elsie Ivancich Dunin (co-researchers) were invited to prepare a publication of dances representing Macedonia.

As preparation, Višinski and Dunin video documented the dancing repertoire of 93 out of 111 organized groups during 1988–1989. They contacted dance groups throughout Macedonia with assistance from the office of the Cultural Educational Union (KPZ) of Macedonia, which oversaw all organized performance groups. In addition to documenting the practiced performance dances of each group, Višinski and Dunin elicited information and examples of spontaneous dancing of each group's local wedding celebrations.

Additional resources related to the Elsie Ivancich Dunin Macedonian Dance Documentation (1988–1989): Video Recordings may be accessed at the Cross-Cultural Dance Resources Collections at Arizona State University. These include: the 1988–1989 Macedonian Video (MV) Documentation Catalog, which provides an explanation for Dunin’s coding system (dance group/location), DVD copies of the video recordings edited for comparative research purposes, various written and print materials, correspondence, photos, spreadsheets of dance groups and their performance repertoire, maps of dance repertoire diffusion, related Tanec Ensemble performance dance data, information about the EVIA Project, and other resultant publications, including the bilingual book, Dances in Macedonia: Performance Genre Tanec.

Note: The entire Elsie Ivanich Dunin Collection may be accessed at the Cross-Cultural Dance Resources Collections at Arizona State University.


Elsie Ivancich Dunin (collector, creator)


Elsie Ivancich Dunin Collection. Cross-Cultural Dance Resources Collections, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.


Original VHS video recordings.


Macedonian; Albanian

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