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Tags: comedy, james cagney, joan blondell, motion picture, musical, romance, warner bros
Tags: comedy, david bowie, music, romance, short
Tags: ballerina, ballet, dance companies, music, musical, romance, shoes
Tags: aboriginal people, australia, drama, motion picture, romance
Tags: drama, father daughter relationship, holiday, motion picture, movie adaptation, romance, south america
Tags: adaptation, adventure, deborah kerr, drama, heros journey, king solomons mines, mgm, richard carlson, romance, stewart granger
Tags: african american, drama, lean horne, motion picture, multicultural, musical, performers, representation, romance, twentieth century fox
Tags: ballet, bbc, documentary, margot fonteyn, romance, study of dance
Tags: elvis presley, motion picture, musical, popular culture, popular music, romance, treasure hunt
Tags: ballet, dance company, drama, jennifer beals, michael nouri, popular film, romance
Tags: adaptation, classic tale, debra paget, delmer daves, drama, jeff chandler, louis jourdan, love story, polynesia, polynesian dance, popular film, princess, richard walton tully, romance, screen adaptation of dramatization, shaman, volcano
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