Browse Items
- 18th century
- 1920s
- 1984
- 1990
- a cappella
- a day in the life of series
- aaron copland
- abc
- aborgines
- aborginies
- aboriginal people
- access
- act III
- acting
- action
- active volcanoes
- activism
- acupuncture
- adaptation
- addiction
- adele astaire
- adolescence
- adolphe adam
- advanced technology
- adventure
- advertising
- afghanistan
- africa
- african american
- african culture
- african dance
- african elephant
- african heritage
- african music
- african tribes
- agatha christie
- aging
- aging population
- agnes de mille
- ainu
- airports
- al chandler
- al franken
- alan barg
- alan freed
- alan parker
- alaska
- albert einstein
- albuquerque
- alcoholism
- alexander technique
- algeria
- ali mazrui
- alice cooper
- alice in wonderland
- alien
- alive from off center
- alive from off hands
- allan boesak
- alphabet
- alps
- altered states
- alternative history
- alternative medicine
- alvin ailey
- alwin nikolais
- amazon
- amazon basin
- amazon river
- america
- american ballet theater
- american ballet theatre
- american composers
- american dance
- american dance machine
- american dialects
- american film institute
- american folk
- american indian
- american indian movement
- american master
- american masters
- american music awards
- american portrait
- american public broadcasting consortium
- american samoa
- american southwest
- american tap dance
- american theatre
- american west
- americana
- americans
- ana pavlova
- analysis
- anasazi
- anatomy
- ancestral puebloan
- ancient alien
- ancient castles
- ancient culture
- ancient people
- ancient rome
- ancient tradition
- andrew lloyd webber
- andrew wallace-hadrill
- angkatan darat
- angola
- angular momentum
- animal
- animal behavior
- animal communication
- animal conservation
- animal kingdom
- animal quiz
- animals
- animated film
- animation
- ankor
- ann miller
- ann-margret
- anna pavlova
- anne heywood
- annexation
- annual
- antelope
- antelopes
- anthony quinn
- anthropology
- anthropomorphism
- anti establishment
- antibiotics
- antiques
- antiquities
- antony tudor
- anxiety in children
- ap
- apache
- apartheid
- apollo
- appropriation
- aquatic life
- arab
- arabs
- archaeology
- archeology
- architecture
- arctic landscape
- aretha franklin
- argentina
- argibusiness
- arizona
- arizona state university
- arms
- arms race
- arrangements
- art
- art and music
- art form
- art forms
- arthur c clarke
- arthur mitchell
- arthur sullivan
- artifacts
- artist
- arts
- asia
- asian insight
- asmat
- assisi
- astronauts
- athabaskan
- atheism
- athletes
- atomic bomb
- auatralia
- audiovisual
- audrey hepburn
- audubon wildlife theatre
- august bournonville
- australia
- australian aborigines
- australian broadcasting corporation
- australian cowboys
- austria
- autobiography
- autonomy
- autopilot
- avant garde
- avanti
- aviation
- awards program
- azande
- aztec
- back
- back ache
- back pain
- baka
- baka pygmies
- bakrawallah
- balanchine
- bali
- ball dance
- ballerina
- ballet
- ballet dancing
- ballet du xxe siecle
- ballet scores
- ballet slippers
- balloons
- ballroom
- ballroom dance
- ballroom dancing
- band
- bands
- bangladesh
- banjo
- barasana indians
- barbara bach
- barbra streisand
- barcelona
- bark painting
- barter system
- basil davidson
- basketball
- basque
- bastille
- bavaria
- bb king
- bbc
- bboying
- beaches
- beale street
- bear
- bear butte
- beatles
- beauty pageants
- bebop
- bedouin
- beethoven
- behavior
- behavioral patterns
- behaviorists
- behind the scene
- beijing
- beijing opera
- belgium
- belief
- belief in god
- belief system
- beliefs
- bellydancing
- ben kingsley
- benham
- benjamin lee whorf
- benjamin luxon
- benny goodman
- bert lahr
- beryl markham
- beta
- betty boop
- betty garrett
- betty grable
- betty hutton
- beverly hills
- beyers naudé
- bhutan
- bicentennial
- big band
- bigotry
- bikini atoll
- bill crofut
- bill moyers
- billy sunday
- bing crosby
- biochemistry
- biodiversity
- biography
- biological warfare
- biology
- biomechanics
- biosphere
- bird
- birds
- birgit cullberg
- birth control
- bishnois
- black
- black america
- black american art
- black and white
- black hills
- black lake
- black magic
- black market
- black resistance
- blockbuster
- blondell cummings
- blues
- blues music
- boat race
- bob fosse
- bobby mcferrin
- bodywatch
- bolivia
- bolshoi
- bolshoi ballet
- bombing
- bon
- bon dance
- bonpo
- bonsai
- boris karloff
- borneo
- bossa nova
- boston orchestra
- boston pops
- botany
- botswana
- bougainville
- bounty mutiny
- brain
- brain activity
- brain cells
- brain functioning
- brain hormones
- brazil
- Brazilian dance
- brian dichotomy
- brian moser
- brian thompson
- britain
- british broadcasting corporation
- broadcast
- broadway
- broadway revival
- brooklyn stravinsky
- bruner
- buddhism
- buddy ebsen
- bugis
- bullfighting
- bunraku
- burgess meredith
- burma
- burnum burnum
- burt reynolds
- busby berkeley
- bushido
- bushmen
- business
- business ethics
- butterflies
- butterfly dance
- buzkashi
- cafe
- caitlin carruthers
- cajun
- cajun people
- calabash
- calgary
- california
- california newsreel
- calligraphy
- cambodia
- cambodian culture
- cambodian genocide
- cameroon
- cameroon islands
- canada
- canadian broadcasting corporation
- canary islands
- cancer
- candomble
- cannibalism
- capitalism
- capoeira
- cargo cult
- carl maria von weber
- carl palmer
- carl sagan
- carmen miranda
- carnaval
- carnival
- carnivals
- carole landis
- carolyn sinclair
- carreras
- carry wagner
- cartoon
- carving
- castles
- catholicism
- catholics
- cathrage
- cattle rearing
- cave paintings
- cbc
- cbs
- celebration
- celebrations
- celebrity culture
- cello
- cemetaries
- centerfield
- ceremonial center
- ceremonies
- ceremony
- cervantes
- cha cha
- changing times
- channel four
- chariots of the gods
- charlemagne
- charles dodgson
- charles loloma
- charles lutwidge dodgson
- charles montagu doughty
- charlie chaplin
- charlton heston
- chemical warfare
- chemistry
- chicago
- chicago bears
- chihuahuan desert
- child
- child development
- child labour
- children
- children stories
- children's show
- chimpanzee
- china
- chinese cultural revolution
- chinese minorities
- chinese new year
- chinese opera
- chinese policy
- chinese traditions
- chippewa
- Chögyam Trungpa Mukpo
- choir
- chopin
- choreographers
- choreography
- christian conversions
- christian sects
- christianity
- christmas
- chronicle
- chubby checker
- church weddings
- cinderella
- cinema history
- cinema. filmmaking
- cinetel
- circus
- civil dispute
- civil rights movement
- civilization
- civilizations
- class struggle
- classic
- classic kite tails
- classic tale
- classical
- classical ballet
- classical dances
- classics
- claude debussy
- claymation
- cleopatra
- cleveland orchestra
- climate change
- clive james
- closing ceremony
- closure
- clothing
- clowns
- cnn
- coal mines
- coat dance
- cobra
- cocaine
- cochin
- cockney dialect
- cognition
- cold war
- cold war threats
- cole porter
- collective subconsious
- colombia
- colonial influences
- colonialism
- colonization
- colorado
- colorado river
- colourism
- columbia
- columbus
- comedy
- comedy of errors
- comical juxtaposition
- coming of age
- commedia dell'arte
- communication
- communism
- community
- competition
- complex film tracking
- composer
- composers
- compositions
- computer graphics
- computer programming
- computer vision
- computers
- computers and dance
- concert
- concert performances
- concerts
- condors
- conference
- conflict
- conflict resolution
- conflicts
- confucianism
- congo forest
- connie booth
- conscious brain
- consciousness
- conseration
- conservation
- conspiracy
- consumerism
- consumption
- contemporary art
- contemporary dance
- context
- continent
- controversial opinion
- conversion
- cooking
- cornel west
- cornel wilde
- corporate culture
- corridos
- cortical hemispheres
- cosmology
- cosmos
- costumes
- cotton club
- counter culture
- counter reformation
- counterculture
- country music
- court trial
- cowboys
- coyote
- cradle of mankind
- craftsman
- craftsmanship
- creation myths
- cree
- cricket
- crime
- criticism
- cross burning
- cross country skiing
- cross cultural experiences
- cuiva
- cults
- cultural conflict
- cultural conflicts
- cultural crossover
- cultural exchange
- cultural force
- cultural identity
- cultural impact
- cultural insights
- cultural inspiration
- cultural preservation
- culture
- culture change
- culture shock
- cuna people
- cures
- customs
- customs and traditions
- cycling
- cyclosporin
- cyd charisse
- cynical musical
- cynthia gregory
- czech language
- czechoslovakia
- da vinci
- daguerre
- daily life
- daily wages
- dalai lama
- dallas
- dame enda
- dams
- dan dailey
- dan healy
- dan namingha
- danakil desert
- dance
- dance companies
- dance company
- dance discussions
- dance ethnology
- dance form
- dance improv
- dance in america
- dance instruction
- dance movie
- dance notation
- dance number
- dance research
- dance theatre of harlem
- dancer
- dancers
- dances
- dancing
- daniela malusardi
- danny elfman
- david attenborough
- david bowie
- david byrne
- david diamond
- david gordon
- david mccullough
- david niven
- david suzuki
- day dreaming
- death
- debate
- debates
- debbie allen
- debbie reynolds
- deborah kerr
- debra paget
- decision making
- defense
- deir el-medina
- delmer daves
- democracy
- demonstration
- denmark
- dennis hopper
- dennis o'rourke
- denzel washington
- dervishes
- desert
- desert garden
- detective
- development
- diana ross
- diane suzuki
- diaspora
- dick cavett
- diets
- different cultures
- dinka
- diplomatic standoff
- director
- disappearing world
- disappearing worlds
- disbelief
- disc jockeys
- disco
- discoveries
- discovery channel
- discussions
- diversity
- divine drumbeats
- divinity
- divorced women
- dju rainforest
- documentary
- dogon
- dogrib
- dolphins
- domestic problems
- domestic workers
- domestication
- domingo
- don quixote
- donn draeger
- dorothy dandridge
- douchan gersi
- dowry
- dracula
- dragon
- drama
- dramatics
- dream
- drug abuse
- drug addtion
- drug mafia
- drug ring
- drugs
- drummers
- drums
- dudley moore
- duke and duchess of york
- duke ellington
- dw griffith
- earth
- east africa
- east pacific
- easter island
- eastman
- ecology
- economic policy
- economics
- economy
- ecosystem
- ecuador
- edinburgh
- edison
- education
- education system
- educational productions
- educational show
- educational video
- egypt
- egyptian life
- egyptology
- el salvador
- eleanor powell
- elections
- electroencephalography
- electronic music
- elements
- elizabeth swados
- elizabeth taylor
- elton john
- elvis presley
- emily goldberg
- emmy award
- emmylou harris
- emperor
- employment
- enduring dreams
- energy
- england
- english language
- enigmatic
- enlightenment
- entertainer
- entertainment
- environment
- environmental purist
- equality
- equator
- equilibrium
- eric clapton
- erich von däniken
- erick hawkins
- erik barnouw
- ernest hemingway
- eruption
- esbart dansaire de rubi
- eskimos
- essen ballet
- eternity
- ethel merman
- ethiopia
- ethnography
- ethnology
- ethology
- eugene o'neill
- europe
- european history
- european terrorism
- eva le gallienne
- evangelical preaching
- evangelicalism
- eve arden
- everest
- everyday life
- evolution
- evolution in dance
- evolving culture
- excerpts
- exclusive report
- exercise
- exestentialism
- exhibition
- exotic dance
- exotic species
- experimental
- experimental films
- exploitation
- exploration
- explore
- explorer
- explorers
- extraterrestrials
- factory
- fae ng
- fairytale
- fakir
- fallas
- families
- family
- family relationships
- famine
- fancy dress ball
- fantastical
- fantasy
- fantasy film
- far east
- farmers
- farming
- fashion
- father daughter relationship
- father son relationship
- fauna
- federico fellini
- feminism
- ferdinand marcos
- fernando bujones
- fertility
- festival
- festivals
- festivities
- fetsutaru shimizu
- fight for land
- fight for rights
- fighting
- figure skating
- fiji
- film
- film adaptation
- film festival
- film making
- film music
- film production
- filmmaker
- finessing the king
- fire dance
- firebird
- first moon
- first nations
- fish
- fishing
- fishing villages
- fitting in
- flag day
- flamboyance
- flamenco
- flappers
- fletcher christian
- flora
- flora and fauna
- florenz ziegfeld
- florida friebus
- flower arrangement
- flower power
- flyinf
- flying
- folco quilici
- folk
- folk dance
- folk legends
- folk music
- folkdance
- folklore
- food
- foods
- football
- footloose
- forced conversions
- fore
- forest
- forest dwellers
- fortifications
- france
- franco zeffirelli
- frank langella
- frank sinatra
- Franz Lehár
- fred astaire
- frédéric chopin
- frederik willem de klerk
- free show tonight
- freedom
- freestyle dancing
- french polynesia
- french revolution
- fritz cohen
- fritz scholder
- frontier women
- frontline
- frugal gourmet
- fundamentalism
- fundraising
- funeral
- funeral procession
- funk
- furniture
- fusion
- futuristic films
- gabra people
- gabrille dalton
- gaia
- gala of the stars
- game show
- gamelan
- gandhi
- ganges river
- garden of eden
- gardening
- gay families
- gay marriage
- gays
- geisha
- gelsey kirkland
- gender equality
- gender norms
- gender roles
- gene kelly
- gene raymond
- generations
- geoffrey holder
- geoglyphs
- geography
- geology
- geometry
- george balanchine
- george burns
- george gershwin
- george gittoes
- george h w bush
- george mueller
- george nakashima
- george orwell
- georges melies
- gerald savory
- germany
- geronimo
- gianna rolandi
- gillian burke
- ginger rogers
- giselle
- giuseppe verdi
- global village
- globalisation
- globalization
- godless state
- godunov
- gold
- gold lust
- gold rush
- golden age
- golden era
- golden monkey
- gondolas
- gospel
- gospel music
- gospel of thomas
- government
- government ban
- government intervention
- government policy
- graceland
- gracie allen
- graeme murphy
- graffiti
- grammys
- granada television
- grandeur
- gravity
- great artists
- great britain
- great depression
- great perfom
- great performances
- great plains
- greece
- greek civilization
- greek legacy
- greenland
- gregory hines
- guatemala
- guatemalan civil war
- guatemalan film
- guerilla
- guerrilla
- guerrilla zones
- gustav mahler
- gwen verdon
- gymnastics
- gypsies
- haida canoe
- haida people
- hair metal
- haiti
- hands
- hanging gardens
- hans christian andersen
- hans van manen
- harbin
- harlem
- harmonica
- harold t. wilkins
- harry belafonte
- harry fonseca
- harry richman
- harry somers
- harvard film archive
- hasidim
- hawaii
- hawaii volcanoes national park
- hbo
- headhunting
- healing
- health
- health care
- hector berlioz
- heist
- heitor villa-lobos
- helen hardin
- herculaneum
- herding
- heritage
- Herman Løvenskiold
- hero
- hero's myth
- heros journey
- high school
- himalayas
- himeji
- hindu music
- hinduism
- hip hop
- hip-hop
- hippocampus
- history
- history of arab people
- history of dance
- history of english
- history of language
- history of music
- history of photography
- hmong
- holiday
- holiday traditions
- hollyood
- hollywood
- hollywood actor
- home accidents
- home movies
- home renovations
- homeland
- homophobia
- homosexuals
- hong kong
- honolulu
- hopes and dreams
- hopi
- hopi indians
- horizon
- horror
- horse breeding
- horse rearing
- horticulture
- hostage crisis
- howard keel
- hula
- human anatomy
- human behavior
- human brain
- human capacity
- human face of the pacific
- human history
- human origins
- human rights
- human rights violations
- human thought
- humans
- humor
- hunger
- hunter gatherers
- hunters and gatherers
- hunting
- hurrah
- hutterite
- hydroelectric power
- hypnotism
- ice dancing
- ice skating
- ice skating pair
- igor stravinsky
- illegal south african
- illegal trade
- illinois
- illness
- immigrant struggles
- immigrants
- immigration
- imperialism
- impersonation
- improved performance
- improvisation
- in memory
- in search of
- inauguration
- inca
- inca empire
- incarceration
- independence
- independent film
- independent television
- india
- indian
- indian health service
- indians
- indigenous
- indigenous culture
- indigenous people
- indonesia
- industrial
- infinite voyage
- inner mongolia
- innovation
- insight
- inspector marriott
- instrument
- intelligence
- international acclaim
- international conflict
- international flights
- international interests
- international relations
- international trade
- interplay of cultures
- interpretation
- interpretive dance
- interview
- interviews
- inuit
- inuit people
- inventions
- iran
- ireland
- irish folk tunes
- irish horse
- irving johnson
- isaac asimov
- islam
- islamic faith
- island
- island continent
- islands
- israel
- istanbul
- italian
- italy
- ituri forest
- jacobs pillow
- jacques cousteau
- jacques d'amboise
- jacques tati
- jaime sin
- jamake highwater
- james bay hydroelectric project
- james bond
- james burke
- james cagney
- james coburn
- james earl jones
- james gleason
- james whitmore
- jane powell
- jane russell
- jane seymour
- janet jackson
- japan
- japanese american
- japanese americans
- japanese culture
- japanese dance
- japanese gardens
- japanese society
- jason robards
- java
- jazz
- jazz music
- jean renoir
- jeff chandler
- jeff richards
- jeff smith
- jennifer beals
- jerome robbins
- jerry falwell
- jerusalem
- jesse jackson
- jesuits
- jewelry
- jewish culture
- jewish history
- jews
- jiang lili
- jihad
- jihad tradition
- jim hartz
- jim lehrer
- jimmy carter
- jimmy durante
- jive
- joan bennett
- joan blondell
- joan fontaine
- joelene king
- joffrey ballet
- joffrey ballet of chicago
- johannes brahms
- johannes holub
- john adams
- john cage
- john canemaker
- john curry
- john fogerty
- john ford
- john heminway
- john lennon
- john neumeier
- john paul ii
- john pertwee
- john pilger
- john rhys-davies
- john romer
- john sanborn
- john temple
- john travolta
- john wayne
- jonathan dimbleby
- joni mitchell
- jools holland
- jordan
- jose de udaeta
- jose diokno
- joseph campbell
- joseph papp
- josephine baker
- joshua tree
- journey
- journey into india
- joyce kelly
- joyce theatre
- judaism
- judith jamison
- judith paige mitchell
- judy collins
- judy garland
- juggling
- julie andrews
- julie newmar
- julie newmeyer
- julien hequembourg bryan
- julius caesar
- Julius Nyerere
- june goodfield
- jungle
- jungle gods
- justice
- juvenile drug abuse
- kaaba
- kabuki theater
- kaet
- kalahari
- kalahari desert
- kalakshetra
- karl bodmer
- kashmir
- katak
- kataragama
- kataragama festival
- katharine hepburn
- katherine dunham
- kathleen battle
- kazakhs
- keith adam
- keith michell
- kendo
- kenneth macmillan
- kentucky
- kenya
- kenyan culture
- kerala
- kevin bacon
- khmer rouge
- kilimanjaro
- kinesiology
- king kamehameha
- king phillips
- king solomons mines
- kinship
- kirghiz
- kiribati
- kirov ballet
- kitri's wedding
- koalas
- kodo
- kodo drummers
- kogi people
- korea
- koyukon
- krakatoa
- krov menuhin
- ku klux klan
- kumari
- kunde hospital
- kung fu
- kurd
- kurdistan
- kurt jooss
- kuwait
- kwegu
- Kyoto
- l frank baum
- la cucaracha
- la la la human steps
- la valse
- labanotation
- labor
- labor class
- labor laws
- lake lhasa
- lakota
- land rights
- language
- laos
- laplanders
- larry gottheim
- late night america
- lau people
- laura dean
- laura nader
- laurie anderson
- law
- law enforcement
- le corsaire
- le spectre de la rose
- lean horne
- learning
- lebanon
- lecture
- lecture demonstration
- lecture demonstrations
- lee breuer
- legal cases
- legal history
- lemons
- lemurs
- lena horne
- leonard bernstein
- leonard nimoy
- les sylphides
- lesbians
- leslie caron
- leslie nielsen
- lester brown
- let's dance
- levar burton
- lewis carroll
- lewis hines
- lexington
- liberace
- libya
- life
- life and times
- life of
- life of dancers
- life of women
- lincoln center
- linda ronstadt
- lindy
- linguistics
- list
- literary nonsense
- literature
- little egypt
- live broadcasting
- live concert
- live from lincoln center
- live from lunds
- live music
- live perfomances
- live performance
- live recording
- live telecast
- lives
- living and life
- living body
- living conditions
- living planet
- livingstone
- liza dalby
- liza minnelli
- london
- london contemporary dance theatre
- london weekend television
- long shared history
- lord mountbatten
- loretta swit
- los angeles
- los angeles lakers
- losar
- loucheux
- louis jourdan
- louisiana
- love
- love story
- luciano pavarotti
- luge
- lukas foss
- lyman h howe
- ma anand sheela
- maasai
- maasai women
- macedonia
- machiguenga
- machines
- macumba
- madagascar
- made for tv
- madison square garden
- madness
- mafia
- magic
- magic of dance
- magical realm
- magician
- magnetism
- making millions
- maku indians
- malaita
- malawi
- malaysia
- male dancers
- mambo
- man-woman relationships
- management
- manaus
- manhattan construction
- manhattan skyline
- manu national park
- maori
- marc platt
- marcel marceau
- marches
- marcia haydée
- mardi gras
- margaret mead
- margot fonteyn
- mariachi
- marial arts
- marianna tcherkassky
- marilyn monroe
- marine life
- marjorie reynolds
- mark elliott
- mark morris
- markets
- marlon brando
- marlon brando. david niven
- marrakech
- marriage
- marriage customs
- marshall islands
- marshall mcluhan
- marsupials
- martha graham
- martha raye
- martial arts
- martin scorsese
- marx brothers
- marxism
- mary catherine bateson
- mary eaton
- mary kingsley
- mary silverman
- masai people
- mask
- mask making
- masks
- mass weddings
- massage
- master class
- mathematics
- matriarchy
- matt mattox
- matthew hawkins
- maud lewis
- maureen o'hara
- maureen reagan
- maureen stapleton
- maurice béjart
- maurice chevalier
- maurice ravel
- max steiner
- mayans
- mazrui
- mbuti
- meaning
- mecca
- mechanics
- medicine
- medicine man
- medieval courts
- medieval europe
- meditation
- medium is the message
- meerkats
- mehinacu
- meiji period
- mel brooks
- melanesia
- memory
- menial jobs
- mennonite
- mental health
- mental illness
- merce cunningham
- merrie monarch
- merrill ashley
- mesa
- mesa verde national park
- met
- meta ideas
- metamorphosis
- metaphors
- metaphysics
- metis
- metro goldwyn mayer
- metropolitan museum of arts
- mexican music
- mexican revolution
- mexico
- mgm
- michael jay
- michael nouri
- michael smuin
- michael tilson thomas
- michael york
- micheal jackson
- mickey rooney
- micronesia
- middle east
- middle eastern phenomenon
- midnight madness
- migrants
- migration
- mikhail baryshnikov
- mikhail fokine
- military
- milli vanilli
- milton eisenhower
- mime
- mind
- mind over matter
- mine
- miniature sets
- mining
- minneapolis
- minnesota
- minnie the moocher
- minstrel show
- miss piggy
- missing persons
- missionaries
- missouri
- missouri river
- mockumentary
- models
- modern
- modern art
- modern ballet
- modern dance
- modern medicine
- modern warfare
- mohawk indians
- molissa fenley
- monarch butterflies
- monastries
- monkey bay
- monks
- montana
- moon
- morgan freeman
- morning shows
- morocco
- mortimer adler
- moses pendleton
- motherhood
- motion picture
- motion pictures
- motion picuture
- motor ability
- mount athos
- mount shasta
- mountaineering
- movie
- movie adaptation
- movie clips
- mozambique
- mtv
- mughal empire
- multicultural
- mummers
- muppets
- murder mystery
- murray lewis
- mursi
- muscle
- muscle contractions
- muscle fibre
- music
- music album
- music industry
- music man
- music video
- music videos
- musical
- musical comedy
- musical film
- musical influence
- musical instruction
- musical journey
- musicals
- musicians
- mutiny on the bounty
- muvver tongue
- myrna loy
- mysteries
- mysteries of the universe
- mystery
- mystical
- myth
- mythology
- nairobi
- nam june paik
- namaqualand
- namibia
- napoleon chagnon
- narcocorridos
- natalia makarova
- national geographic
- national geographic society
- national parks
- national sport
- nationalism
- nationalist movement
- native american
- native americans
- native indian
- native indians
- natural history
- natural resources
- nature
- nature of things
- navajo indians
- navajo nation
- navigation
- nazca lines
- nbc
- ned rorem
- neil young
- nell carter
- nelson mandela
- nepal
- neuro anatomy
- neurochemistry
- neurophysiology
- neuroscience
- nevada
- new age
- new britain
- new caledonia
- new kingdom
- new mexico
- new peoples army
- new wave
- new world ballet
- new year parade
- new year's day
- new york
- new york city
- new york city ballet
- new zealand
- newton
- newton's apple
- nickelodeon
- niepce
- nigel farell
- nigeria
- nigerian art
- night life
- nightline
- nightmares
- nightwatch
- nile
- nile river
- ninja
- ninjas
- nixon
- noah's ark
- non fiction
- non verbal
- norman jewison
- north america
- north carolina
- northern ireland
- northern territory
- norway
- nova
- novel adaptation
- nubia
- nuclear
- nuclear testing
- nuclear war
- nuclear weapon
- nunavut
- nutcracker
- nyoman radjeg
- oath
- obba babatundé
- odyssey
- oglala sioux
- oil
- oingo boingo
- okinawan dance
- okinawan music
- old age
- old homes
- old time religion
- older people
- olfaction
- olympics
- oman
- omo
- omo river
- one child
- one child policy
- one world
- ongka
- opening ceremony
- opera
- operation crossroads
- operetta
- opiods
- opium trade
- optimism
- oracle
- oral history
- orchestra
- orchestral music
- orchids
- oriental traditions
- origin of man
- ornamental gardening
- orthodox
- orthodox christianity
- orthopedic surgery
- orville schell
- oscar
- oscar hammerstein
- osho
- osmosis
- overcoming struggles
- p g wodehouse
- pacific
- pacific northwest
- pacific ocean
- pacifism
- paco de lucia
- pageants
- painter
- paintings
- paints
- pairs of opposites
- pakistan
- pam dawber
- pamplona
- panama
- panare
- pancasila
- pantomime
- pantomime dame
- papua new guinea
- papuan
- parade
- parades
- paraguay
- paramount pictures
- paris
- parisian nightclub
- parody
- part 4
- participation in society
- partners in crime
- partnerships
- pasadena
- passion
- passion play
- pathans
- patriarchy
- patrick harding-irmer
- patterns
- paul mccartney
- paul napier
- paul simon
- paul vaughan
- paula abdul
- paulette goddard
- pavarotti
- pbs
- peal harbor
- pearl bailey
- peasant
- pedro j gonzález
- peggy willis
- peninsula womens chorus
- pentecostalism
- penzance
- perfection
- performance art
- performances
- performers
- performing art
- performing arts
- perry como
- persian gulf
- peru
- peter allen
- peter brooks
- peter carruthers
- peter gabriel
- peter martins
- peter rosen
- peter ustinov
- petrouchka
- pharaoh
- philadelphia
- philip glass
- philip kaufman
- Philippe Decouflé
- philippe petit
- philippines
- phillip glass
- phillipines
- philosophy
- phoenix
- phoenix area
- phoenix suns
- photographer
- photography
- phyllis schlatly
- physics
- piano
- pina bausch
- pioneers
- pippin
- pirates
- pitcairn island
- plácido domingo
- planet
- planetary science
- plant
- plants
- play
- plays
- plunderers
- poems
- poetry
- poison
- police force
- political commentary
- political corruption
- political discussions
- politics
- pollution
- polynesia
- polynesian dance
- pompeii
- pop music
- pope
- popular culture
- popular dance
- popular film
- popular music
- population
- portrayal
- portugal
- positivity
- possibility
- post modern dance
- post-independence
- posture
- poverello
- poverty
- power of myth
- powers
- powwow
- pragmatic humanist
- pre-code cinema
- pre-colonialism
- preaching
- predation
- prehistoric
- preservation
- president
- presidents
- primitive traditions
- prince
- prince andrew
- prince maximilian zu wied
- princess
- princess elizabeth
- prison
- proclamation
- profiling
- prokofiev
- promotional video
- pronounciations
- propaganda
- protestent conversions
- protests
- pseudoscience
- psychiatry
- psychic experiences
- psychology
- public health
- public welfare
- punic wars
- puppetry
- pushing limits
- pygmies
- pyotr ilyich tchaikovsky
- pyramids of egypt
- pyrimid lake
- qādirīyah
- queen elizabeth
- quinault
- quincy jones
- quiz
- race relations
- racial profiling
- racism
- radio
- railways
- rainfall patterns
- rainforest
- raising children
- rajasthan
- rajneesh
- rajneeshpuran
- rama
- ramudi sapera
- randall balmer
- rap
- rapping
- ravi shankar
- ray charles
- reading
- recording
- recordings
- red shoes
- red skelton
- reformation
- refugee camps
- refugees
- reimagining
- reincarnation
- reinhild hoffmann
- relationships
- relativity
- religion
- religious
- religious influence
- religious themes
- relocation
- rem sleep
- renaissance
- rendille people
- representation
- research
- resettlement
- residential school
- resource
- resource development
- resource management
- restoration
- resurrection
- retelling
- reunification
- revelations
- reverend
- revolution
- revolutionaries
- rhinos
- richard burton
- richard carlson
- richard cragun
- richard cross
- richard halliburton
- richard l o'connor
- richard leaky
- richard rodgers
- richard strauss
- richard wagner
- richard walton tully
- rick smolan
- rickshaw man
- right of life
- rio grande
- rio negri
- riots
- rita hayworth
- rite of spring
- ritual
- rituals
- river
- river nile
- rko radio pictures
- robert preston
- robert richter
- robert stone
- robert wagner
- robert wilson
- robots
- rocco a pettrone
- rock
- rock climbing
- rock music
- rock n roll
- rock-n-roll
- rockschool
- rod serling
- rod taylor
- rodeo clowns
- roger moore
- role of media
- roller skating
- roman catholic church
- roman empire
- romance
- romania
- romans
- rome
- romeo and juliet
- ron fricke
- rose parade
- route 66
- royal ballet
- royal ballet of london
- royal danish ballet
- royal wedding
- royal weddings
- royalty
- rudolf nureyev
- rukmini devi
- rulers
- rumi
- russ tamblyn
- russia
- ruth page
- sacred lands
- sacred music
- safari
- sailing
- sakuddei
- salmon
- salt miners
- salt mines
- sam zelman
- sami
- samurai
- san francisco ballet
- sandra laing
- santa claus
- santa cruz
- santo niño
- sarah ferguson
- sarah jessica parker
- sarajevo
- satellite
- satire
- saudi arabia
- save
- saving nature
- scandal
- scandinavia
- scatting
- schizophrenia
- schooling
- schubert
- science
- science fiction
- scientific advancements
- scientific revolution
- scientists
- scotland
- scott hamilton
- screen adaptation of dramatization
- screwball comedies
- sculptor
- sculpture
- sea
- sea voyage
- sean lavery
- seattle
- security
- seesaw
- segregation
- self portrait
- senses
- sensing
- sensory deprivation
- seoul
- sergei diaghilev
- sergei prokofiev
- series
- seriocomic examination
- serra pelada
- sesame street
- sexuality
- shadow puppet
- shadow show
- shah pahlavi
- shakers
- shaman
- shamanism
- shapes
- shark
- shark fishing
- shea stadium
- sherpas
- shilluk
- ship
- shipbuilding
- ships
- shirley jones
- shirley maclain
- shirley maclaine
- shirley temple
- shklovski
- shoes
- shogun
- short
- short film
- shuswap
- sierra club
- signatures of the soul
- silent film
- silicon chips
- silk road
- single parent
- sir edmund hillary
- siva
- six great ideas
- skating
- skepticism
- sketch comedy
- skinner
- sky
- slavery
- slavs
- sleep
- sleep research
- sleep stages
- sleeping beauty
- slovenia
- smell
- smithsonian
- smithsonsian
- smokey robinson
- snake
- snapping turtles
- snow queen
- social conditions
- social life
- social life and customs
- social norms
- social order
- social structures
- socialization
- society
- sociolinguistics
- sociology
- soldiers
- solomon islands
- soma festival
- somalia
- songs
- sonoran desert
- soul music
- soup
- south africa
- south america
- south dakota
- south india
- south korea
- south seas islands
- southeast asia
- soviet union
- space
- spain
- spalding grey
- spanish culture
- spanish traditions
- special
- special effects
- special report
- spectre de la rose
- speech
- sphinx
- spice trade
- spinal cord
- spine
- spirit cult
- spiritual
- spiritual places
- spiritual practices
- spiritual ties
- spirituality
- split brain
- sport
- sporting events
- sports
- spring
- spy
- sri lanka
- st francis
- st louis
- stability
- stage door
- stages
- state funeral
- states of mind
- stations
- steel construction
- stella adler
- step lively
- stephen schwartz
- steroids
- steve reich
- stewart copeland
- stewart granger
- stonehedge
- storytelling
- strauss family
- stravinsky
- street art
- street dance
- street festivals
- street life
- strike
- structures
- study of dance
- substance abuse
- sudan
- sufi
- sufism
- sugar trade
- suites
- sulawesi
- sumatra
- summer
- summer clouds people
- summer of love
- sumner jules glimcher
- superstitious beliefs
- supply and demand
- surgery
- survival
- susanne kimbauer
- suzanne farrell
- sveriges television
- swan lake
- sweden
- swedish
- sweet honey in the rock
- swimsuits
- swing
- swing dance
- swing dancing
- swing music
- swing time
- sword
- sydney
- symbiotic relationships
- symbolism
- symphony
- symposium
- syncretism
- syria
- tahiti
- tahitian dance
- taiwan
- talbot
- tale of three oranges
- talk shows
- talking heads
- tandy beal
- tango
- tanzania
- taoism
- tap dance
- tape
- tarita teriipaia
- tattoo
- tchaikovsky
- tea
- tea ceremony
- teachers
- teahouse
- teatro a l'avogaria
- technicolor
- techniques
- technological development
- technology
- ted koppel
- teenage movie
- teenage pregnancy
- television
- temple
- tenzing norgay
- terraced stone
- terrorism
- terry roberts
- tetsutaro shimizu
- tewa indians
- texas
- texas ranch
- thailand
- thats hollywood
- the band
- the basques
- the beatles
- the dark crystal
- the lost city
- the mind
- the philippines
- the red shoes
- the story of indra
- theater
- theatre
- thebes
- theme parks
- theory
- third world country
- third world problems
- this old house
- thriller
- tibet
- tibetan history
- tiger
- tightrope walking
- timbuktu
- time
- time-life
- toka dance
- tokyo
- toller cranston
- tom vernon
- tomb
- tommy and tuppence
- tommy rall
- tone loc
- tony martin
- topol
- topsoil erosion
- toraja
- toronto
- toshiro mifune
- totem poles
- tourism
- tourists
- tours
- trade
- tradition
- traditional
- traditional medicine
- traditions
- tragedy
- trance
- transcending duality
- transmigrasi
- transmigration
- travel
- travelogue
- travelogues
- treasure hunt
- treaties
- treaty of fort bramie
- tree plantation
- trees
- triads
- tribal culture
- tribal dance
- tribal life
- tribal people
- tribal rituals
- tribe
- tribute
- trickster
- trickster coyote
- trilogy
- trisha brown
- truk lagoon
- trumpets
- tuareg
- turkey
- tv adaptation
- tv mini-series
- tv movie
- tv ontario
- tv series
- tv shows
- tv special
- twentieth century
- twentieth century fox
- twist
- two brain
- twyla tharp
- tympani
- tyrone power
- ufo
- ulysses dove
- understanding dance
- understanding society
- understanding the earth
- understanding the mind
- underwater exploration
- unesco heritage
- unidentified flying object
- unique animal-life
- united artists
- united fruit
- united kingdom
- united nations
- united states
- universal theme
- universe
- unwed mother
- uranium
- urbanization
- uruguay
- us border
- ussr
- utah
- uzbekistan
- valarie bettis
- valley of the kings
- variety dance
- variety show
- vaslav nijinsky
- vaudeville
- venezuela
- venice
- vesuvius
- veterinarian
- victor borge
- victor fleming
- video
- video art
- videodisc
- videorecording
- vienna
- vienna philharmonic
- vietnam
- vietnam war
- village
- vincente minnelli
- viniculture
- vintage village
- violin concerto
- virginia dale
- virtuosic dance
- viruses
- visual arts
- visual perception
- vixen
- volcano
- voodoo
- voyage
- voyagers
- vyvyan lorrayne
- w s gilbert
- wakako yamauchi
- wales
- walt disney pictures
- walter abel
- waltz
- waorani
- war
- war on drugs
- war time
- warfare
- warner bros
- warrior
- warrior traditon
- washington
- washington dc
- waslaw nijinsky
- water
- waterways
- wayang
- wayne fawbush
- wayne sleep
- wedding dances
- wernher von braun
- west africa
- west bank of nile
- west indies
- western culture
- western film
- western influence
- western influences
- westernization
- whale sounds
- whales
- white gold
- whitney houston
- wild africa
- wild animals
- wilderness
- wildlife
- wildlife conservation
- wildlife photography
- wilhelmina wiggins
- will rogers
- william grant still
- william schuman
- william shakespeare
- william shatner
- wine
- winemaking
- winnie mandela
- winter olympics
- winter sports
- wisconsin
- witch
- witchcraft
- wizard
- wizard of oz
- wnet
- women
- women and culture
- women conference
- women explorers
- women's rights
- woodworking
- worker rights
- working conditions
- workshop
- world conference on women
- world culture
- world fair
- world hunger
- world music institute
- world trade center
- world war 2
- world war II
- world's columbian exposition
- world's fair
- worlds apart
- worldwar 2
- wqed
- writing
- yann arthus-bertrand
- yanomami
- yap
- yaqui deer dance
- Yaqui Indians--Religion
- yehudi menuhin
- yemen
- yo-yo ma
- yoki morishita
- yorkshire television
- youth
- yue-sai kan
- yugoslavia
- yul brynner
- zambia
- zarco guerrero
- zarzuela
- zulu